This Party Relase and Waiver details the terms of relieving the Kids Business from liability of child's injury.
Kids Businesses---Parent Release/Liability Waiver
.Docx Files
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Please Read: We do not send alternate versions of the contract be. Compatibility and accessibility is the purchaser's responsibility.
Please read below and the Full Terms of Use before purchasing.
You agree not to make unauthorized use of or otherwise infringe upon Prep’d for Success’ intellectual property, and you understand that it is your responsibility to ensure you refrain from doing so. We don’t want to have to say this but, Prep’d for Success will take whatever legal action is necessary to protect its intellectual property if infringement occurs. You should manage your use of our products carefully and any other downloaded materials or services to ensure compliance with our Terms of Use.
As long as you are in compliance with our Terms of Use, Prep’d for Success grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download, view, copy and print the products you purchase solely for your personal use with respect to your creative business. This excludes any reproduction, copying, or any other use of the Products or free downloadable material for resale or distribution.