Why Gracious Counsel?
So, where did the name come from? I came up with that name for a couple of reasons-- 1) I think extending grace is an important part of business (which we often leave out); 2) I am an attorney, so counsel…attorney…synonyms; 3) the words together suggest to me a kind of wisdom that goes beyond just business advice.
There are so many things I love about my career. I love the interaction with creative people. I love to problem solve. I love to create strategies and action plans. However, there is literally NOTHING I love more than encouraging others. I love to listen to another creative’s story, and then be able to cheer them on or give them a positive word, or maybe even some truth in love. There are so many people that have so much to offer this world, and for whatever reason they are discouraged, have fear, or doubt their abilities. I have felt that, but I want to fight that, not just for me but for others as well. God give you a spirit of power and love and sound mind. He wants us to use it…sorry #preach and #amen!
Now, as my girls like to say #spillthetea. Here is where you can expect Gracious Counsel will show up on Prep’d for Success’s website---in 3 distinct ways, but not all at once. I’m only one person, LOL!
1. Blog---Each week we will feature a creative from all over the country in a specific creative industry. They will share their insight and backstory and pearls of wisdom that they have gleaned from their entrepreneurial journey. We will also be rounding out the week with a quick list of business we love (stay tuned for that!)
2. Book—This has been a labor of love, seriously. I have always had a dream of writing a devotional for creatives. If any of you have every written a book (this is actually my 2nd, wrote a children’s book once), you know it definitely doesn’t happen overnight! This one will be 52 weeks of verses and practical meditations for you to think on, pray over, and allow to sink deep into your soul. The first volume is coming later this summer.
3. Podcast---The podcast will be an audio reflection of the blog to an extent. I will have guests who will share their grace and wisdom about life and business, however, I will also jump in a solo-cast every so often when there is a topic I want to discuss
There you have it!
I am not only an attorney, but a fellow creative myself, so I am granting permission to me to take this journey with you all as we look for pearls of wisdom and gracious counsel to navigate these creative waters. Each month, we will examine a new focus word that applies both to business and to the creative's inspiration. Click here to begin, or if you would like to have Gracious Counsel delivered to your inbox, be sure to subscribe to our email list.
(229)234-1191 / angieavardturner@gmail.com
PO Box 981, Pelham GA 31779